Hello, and welcome to the home of the UK’s only 100% natural nail polish remover!
I’m Nicola Dickinson the founder and wearer of many hats in the camp of this crazy journey I embarked on in 2006.
So why start it?
Most ladies say they wish their nails were better in either condition or length. And, they’ll give various reasons as to why they are not.
As a beauty therapist, I wasn’t allowed to grow long nails and wearing coloured nail polish was a waste of time when using nail polish remover day in, day out. The constant washing of hands in between clients made my nails dry, weak and dehydrated due to the anitbac handwash that was supplied.
Natural and organic products hadn’t come to the forefront back then!
I was also hearing the same messages from so many ladies: Going through the menopause, handling paper all day during the day job, washing hands constantly, working out in the cold and many more. ‘My nails are awful or ruined’ was the most common response.
I understand that not everyone wants long nails, but most people do want to have healthy nails.
This is when I set about finding nailcare products that were nourishing, moisturising, had non-toxic ingredients, had a delicate aroma, were easy to use and eco-friendly, and with as much plastic-free packaging as possible.
Everyone would always make negative comments about the smell of the nail polish remover and acetone fumes that lingered in the air of the salon, staff included.
This is when the penny dropped!
Fresh Therapies natural nail care was born. I created a nicer smelling, natural nail polish remover which doesn’t strip the natural oils from your nails. As well as a great glass nail file to leave the nails smoother to the touch which comes in a nice wooden protective sleeve. You can check out the glass nail files here https://freshtherapies.com/product/glass-nail-file/
I still keep my nails short even though I stopped the salon work. Playing with grandkids, packing orders and doing paddle boarding takes its toll.
Please do have a nosey around the site. Take a look at the Natural nail polish remover special offer deal here https://freshtherapies.com/product/natural-nail-polish-remover/
I’d love to hear from you, if you’ve any questions ask away, drop me an email and I’ll be happy to have a chat with you.
Best wishes

Nicola Dickinson
Founder And Owner Of Fresh Therapies
Award Winning Natural Nail Polish Remover and Nail Care Products

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